How to Turn Your LinkedIn Connections into Recruiting Clients

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If you can increase the number of meetings you have with interested Hiring Managers/Leaders in your market, you'll make more sales...

Effective LinkedIn marketing can increase your meetings from a few to 30-40 per month, translating into greater business opportunities...

It's a vital metric you must monitor and improve all the time...

Most Recruitment and Search Business Owners I speak to struggle to improve this number, and so growth slows down or stops completely...

I've put together a cheat sheet that reveals "How to Turn Your LinkedIn Connections into Recruiting Clients"

Terry Edwards and Drew Edwards are internationally recognised as the leading authorities in business growth and client attraction for Recruitment and Search Businesses.

As Co-Founders of, they have a proven track record of helping their clients see substantial profit increases in their businesses.


Disclaimer: This is not an MLM or multi-networking scheme and is for the Owners and Directors of established Recruiting Businesses Only.

We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for producing income for business owners who apply them properly. Examples of income earned and other results are not necessarily average or typical nor intended as representations of your potential earnings. As with any business or training, each individual’s results may vary widely. Each individual’s results depend on his or her background, dedication, desire, motivation and particular applications. Significant financial risk is possible with any business venture or opportunity if you don’t do your own due diligence and get suitable professional advice. No guarantees of specific results are expressly made or implied.

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